Do you want to get more in touch with who you really are inside? Understand more about the way your mind works? Get more in touch with esoterism?

If so, Oracle Psychic is for you. Located in San Francisco, we offer a wide range of services for those looking to familiarize themselves more with the complexities of the human soul.

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

Tel: (305) 608-5752

Allow our dedicated team of professionals to lead you through a wide variety of services, including:

  • Palm Reading
  • ESP Psychic Reading
  • Tarot Card Reading
  • Handwriting Analysis

  • Past Life Regression
  • Chakra Alignment
  • Astrology Charts

Palm Reading

Have you ever wondered about how nuanced your individual history is and will be? Palm consultations can help you address this. In the same way that we each have unique fingerprints, the form of your palm can do a great deal in terms of predicting your future. This is because our unique personalities and trajectories are imprinted in our hands, making it easiest to understand your future through a palm reading. We offer many different types of palm consultations, making it easy to know your future through your body.

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

ESP Psychic Reading

Being able to allow someone inside your head with the power of ESP can be a great way for you to get in touch with your bodily desires. From being able to tap into your brain, our ESP professionals can give a psychic reading of your future.

Want to know more about the various services we offer? Call us at (305) 608-5752 or email us at for more info or to schedule your appointment today!

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot cards are the closest thing we have right now to a truly universal language, allowing people to be entirely engaged with understanding their potential through the various symbols, characters, and specific terminology. Though it is possible to learn how to read cards, it takes the work of a seasoned professional and psychic individual from the Tarot Card Reading San Francisco scene to give accurate readings that will help you get the most out of your tarot card readings. Tarot Card Reading San Francisco that is quality can also be notoriously difficult to find, so we offer standout services not found anywhere else.

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

Handwriting Analysis San Francisco

In the same way that our palms can tell us a lot about ourselves and our desires, our handwriting and the way in which we use it can also be used to determine a lot about our personalities and futures. Our Handwriting Analysis specialists can help you navigate your handwriting and understand what it means to you!

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

psychic readings san francisco, San Francisco

Past Life Regression

Sometimes in order to understand your future you have to become more familiar with your past. Those who have had experience with the powers of past life regression understand this well—this type of hypnosis allows you to embody past memories in order to have more clarity in general. Because of this, we recommend contacting one of our past life regression specialists if you are interested in connecting with your past once again.

Past life regression is also a way to find memories of soul mates and soul companions. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, unlocking the memory of your last life with them helps you understand that they have traveled through time with you and you will see them again in another lifetime. This knowledge can offer great comfort to those who are unable to move through the grieving process.

Call us at (305) 608-5752 or email us at for more info or to schedule your appointment today!

Chakra Alignment

It’s no secret that our inner chakras are the main reasons as to why we’re able to control and manage our overall spiritual stability. However, many are not familiar with the ways in which you can align your chakras to promote a healthier sense of being, something that is typically explored with the help of an experienced professional. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn about yourself when your body is more at peace, something that can only be truly achieved through proper chakra alignment.

Astrology Charts

One of the most essential parts of spirituality is understanding how we relate to the universe, namely the stars. This is why the field of astrology has had such a persistent influence on culture for decades, as more and more people are realizing each day that the way in which they feel about themselves and their life can directly relate to the astrological symbol they represent. Using a horoscope reader can help you understand this better, as a horoscope reader can give you information about how you’re feeling and what you should be expecting in the future.

The Oracle Psychic is here to help you!